/* ----------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Name: Minima Black Designer: Douglas Bowman URL: www.stopdesign.com Date: 26 Feb 2004 ----------------------------------------------- */ CompuDave: February 2005

Monday, February 28, 2005

IE vs FireFox

FireFox continues to take a bigger and bigger share of the browser marketplace.
And why not? It is both better and more secure despite the FUD from MS and its lackies.

Read this ZDnet article and see .


The Mozilla Foundation stresses that the real battle isn't between browsers, but between two types of technology -- Microsoft's, which is tied to Internet Explorer, and standards-based technology, which can be used with Firefox or any other standards-compliant application. In theory, this means that sites and Web applications that work with Firefox should behave the same way with Opera, Safari or other Mozilla browsers (like the Mozilla suite and Camino), and switching should no longer be an issue.

The number one driver of Firefox's popularity is security, specifically a number of high-profile security scares around IE, according to analysts. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, in announcing IE 7, acknowledged that "browsing is definitely a point of vulnerability".


The announcement of IE 7 made it clear that Microsoft intends to compete against Firefox, at least for Windows XP SP2 -- it seems Windows 2000 users will be left high and dry. IE 7 promises better defences against phishing, malware and spyware, and may include other long-awaited features, such as improvements to CSS and PNG support.

Microsoft denies it is motivated by the increased competition. "This is not related to Firefox. This is about ensuring that our customers get the protection and functionality they ask us for," says Randle.


That last really shows how MS will use the Fud to also promote moving user of older versions of the OS to XP.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Some Blogs Install Spy & Adware


I big caution on cruising blogs. DO NOT allow any blog to install anything.
And better advice is to use a browser other than IE.

Get Firefox. NOW!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

"Black holes are where God divided by zero." - Steven Wright

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

IE Version 7

Mr Gates promises more security and in spite of earlier statements not to do this, MS will bring out an update of IE before the much delayed Longhorn.


but here is the real kicker


The news -- a departure from the company's previous stance on browser-OS integration and rollout, and widely viewed as an admission that Explorer is a source of security weakness -- came out of a keynote address by Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates, who delivered the speech at the RSA Security (Nasdaq: RSAS) Conference in San Francisco.


Pleaseeeee............. - what a crock!
Get FireFox.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

A new post and some comments on HP

Well I've been remiss in posting content here. I'll try to do better.

Big news in the computer world is the beheading of Princess Fiorina of HP.
I'm surprised it took so long.
Best commentary I've read is here.



She came from Lucent, the AT&T spinoff. Not only was AT&T a giant, it was the last bastion of feudalism in the Northern Hemisphere. (Ironically, Fiorina majored in medieval history.) The company ran on a rigid hierarchy. Competitive battles were won through financial heft and strength and a lot of energy was dedicated toward internal company battles.

By contrast, HP seemed to be run from the bottom up. The founders used to eat in the cafeteria. Engineers were continually reminded about their importance to the company. The complaint heard most from executives and analysts was that HP moved slowly because decisions were made by consensus.

So when HP started increasing the number of corporate jets, and rumors surfaced about how Fiorina traveled with a security detail and hairdressers, conflicts between management and the rest of the company began to emerge. And the lack of consistent performance certainly wasn't going to silence the grumbling.

I obtained an insight into Fiorina's management style on the day former Compaq CEO Michael Capellas resigned in November 2002. We all sat at a small circular table. We asked Capellas why he resigned. "I can answer that," she said, and spoke for him.


I think that about says it all.
Oh, wait. She does get $21 million for leaving.