/* ----------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Name: Minima Black Designer: Douglas Bowman URL: www.stopdesign.com Date: 26 Feb 2004 ----------------------------------------------- */ CompuDave: February 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good News For HP

I've long been a fan of HP (and hated some of their products and policies as well) but I'm gratified to hear Ms Whitman is able to see where they need to go. Hopefully this will undo the mess that started way back with Princess Carly.

HP CHIEF Meg Whitman has revealed her intentions to establish WebOS as a credible competitor to Apple's IOS and Google's Android, and reassert the firm as an innovator through doubling its R&D spend.

At HP's Global Partner Conference in Las Vegas today, Meg Whitman gave a rallying cry to her staff, customers and partners, setting out clear and decisive plans for every aspect of the company.
A major part of the strategy is to refocus the firm on invention and innovation. Whitman said that HP Labs had been underutilised over the past few years, and needs to become more focused on business and sales.

"I want to get them from incredible idea to commercialisation faster," she said. "We're doubling down on our R&D spend in every division in this company."

Whitman dropped several less than subtle hints about her thoughts on previous management at the firm.

"We have to do a better job of organic innovation," she said. "That's the way we should be able to invest, and that's how we will."


(and she would have been a better governor then the one we have now)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Over A Year!

Wow. What was I thinking. Time to get back in the saddle. I think if I commit myself to once a week I can post something meaningful.

Right now includes setting up a large MySQL database. Using HeidiSQL.


Table defines are super easy. Data imports from CSV files are good with the exception that if it chokes on a bad data field the whole process stops. If you're loading 40k records that can be a pain to go back and fix the bad data to get a successful load. I need to find the work around.