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Thursday, April 21, 2005

File Traders to be Executed Next

Okay I'm not being serious. I don't advocate illegal file trading but give me a break.
Thanks to our congress critters selling out as usual to big monied interests you can now go to jail for 3 years for bootlegging movies.
Yep, 3 years!
Making a movie available electronically prior to its release can now result in a three year sentence, thanks to the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act approved Tuesday by the House. The Senate has already passed its own version, and the final bill is expected to be signed by the President.

The bill also calls for three years in cases where a person is caught recording a movie in a theater with a camcorder - and six years for a second offence. It also indemnifies theater operators against all criminal and civil liabilities arising from detaining suspects "in a reasonable manner." (Welcome to movie jail.)





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