/* ----------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Name: Minima Black Designer: Douglas Bowman URL: www.stopdesign.com Date: 26 Feb 2004 ----------------------------------------------- */ CompuDave: RSS Reader - Thunderbird

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

RSS Reader - Thunderbird

While I have had a RSS (real simple syndication) feed on this blog all along I've never bothered to use a RSS reader. When a friend of mine (thanks KM) mentioned a slight problem with graphics on my feed we started talking about Mozilla's Thunderbird. I had down loaded it and looked at it but never really used it. I use Mozilla suite for browsing and e-mail.

Well I might not change my email to Thunderbird but I'm using it to read news and lots of other blogs now. I only wish more of my regular reads were publishing RSS. If you are interested in making an RSS feed from your site there are several free ones. This one uses Feedburner.

The graphics problem seems to be when I scale the image back by a percentage. In fact I'm going to place two versions of the same pic here and see if I can duplicate it.

Normal size:
Me & Girls DL

and half size using 50% in html tag

Me & Girls DL


UPDATE: Well I posted this and then went and checked it all. Here are my results.....

1. Mozilla browser - perfect rendition
2. Firefox - almost right, the scaled image is a little out of aspect - slightly too tall.
3. MS Internet Explorer - first image right, second image didn't even render.
4. Thunderbird - first image right, second shows about half height but width is about 125% making it was out of proportion.

Hmmm..... must goggle and see just what is up here.
See the next post for the answer.


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